Do You Want to Know How to Check Fallopian Tubes?
Fallopian tubes happen to be the essential reproductive structures, which tend to facilitate the passage of eggs from the female’s ovaries to her uterus. Fallopian tubes and uterus have the fundamental role in a pregnancy. So, fallopian tubes and pregnancy are interconnected! Any blockage and/or damage to this fallopian tube can considerably impact fertility by preventing the meeting of sperm & egg or the movement of a fertilized egg to the uterus for implantation. Here’s a detailed discussion on how to check fallopian tubes.
Fallopian Tubes Issues
The issues with fallopian tubes include blockages and damage. These can tend to hinder sperm from reaching the egg or even prevent the egg or fertilized egg from moving towards the uterus for implantation. Certain pelvic abnormalities such as uterine fibroids can also lead to such blockages in the fallopian tubes. These also prevent the egg from being implanted into the uterus.
Problems occurring with fallopian tube can arise from a number of different conditions, some of which are given below:
- Endometriosis
- Ruptured appendix
- Pelvic infections (example the pelvic inflammatory disease)
- Ectopic pregnancy
- Pelvic surgery or the lower abdominal surgery
- Inflammation because of tuberculosis or due to inflammatory bowel disease
- STIs or Sexually-transmitted-infections like gonorrhea & chlamydia. These can also damage fallopian tubes. These bacteria tend to infect the cervix and it also spreads to the uterus & fallopian tubes, sometimes without causing any sort of symptoms, yet resulting in permanent damage & scar tissue formation.
Pelvic abnormalities, which can lead to blockages in the tubes or prevent egg implantation are as follows:
- Endometriosis
- Uterine fibroids or polyps
- Adhesions (scar tissue bands) from Asherman syndrome
- Congenital defects of uterus & fallopian tubes
- Uterus adhesions often resulting from infections and/or surgical injuries, especially from dilation & curettage (D & C procedures).
How to Check Fallopian Tubes?
Well! Diagnosing fallopian tube issues & pelvic problems tend to involve a number of procedures, as follows:
- Sonohysterography (which is saline infusion sonography): In this diagnostic procedure, a saline solution is injected into the uterus during ultrasonography for detecting any abnormalities. This is a quick process and it doesn’t need anaesthesia. It is much safer than hysterosalpingography as it avoids radiation & contrast agents. It can improve fertility slightly.
- Hysterosalpingography: X-rays & a radiopaque contrast agent are used in this procedure for outlining the uterus & fallopian tubes. It is performed after menstruation & before ovulation, without anaesthesia. This procedure helps to detect structural disorders. However, it may provide false-positive results in about fifteen percent of cases. Just like sonohysterography, this process can also enhance fertility slightly if the results are normal.
- Laparoscopy: This is used for viewing the pelvic cavity directly via a small incision, which is usually made under general anaesthesia. This can help diagnose & treat fallopian tube issues & endometriosis, but it is rarely the 1st diagnostic choice.
Dr. Meera B is a fertility expert of high repute! She has her clinic in Kollam, Kerala that’s especially dedicated to advanced & progressive fertility treatments.
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